Featured Flight Guidelines/Application

What is a BFR?

Lets face it, a BFR is a Big Flipping Rocket. The biggest rockets you’ll see flown at Spudnik we call BFRs. They fly on L – O motors and are usually very heavy. They carry multiple electronic devices to control parachute deployment. We need to review what you are bringing if you are planning to fly a BFR.

Do I have to register my rocket as a BFR?

Yes, if you plan to fly a rocket with an L or larger. NSL is a big event and we need to have a good idea what to expect to support them and you! If you show up with a rocket that you have not pre-registered, your flight will be allowed only at the discretion of the LCO.

General Guidelines

The form allows for uploading a RockSim or other simulation files. Please provide this as it helps the BFR team understand your rocket. BFR flights present greater recovery challenges than other flights, make a plan for recovery before your rocket is on the pad. Look at the aerial photo of the field and know where you are. Take a phone, take water, a vehicle if necessary to retrieve the rocket.

Local Rules

  • SLVROC requires two (2) altimeters on board all BFR class rockets. Each altimeter is to fire a separate charge for both apogee and main deployment.
  • Each altimeter must have its own power supply. Some new altimeters are capable of programmed multiple events as “back-up”. These do not meet the requirement for redundancy.
  • The field is open to O motors. However, Registrants intending to launch motors of N and O impulse must contact the event director through NSLWest@nar.org more than 30 days ahead of time to discuss logistics.


Want to see what Big Flipping Rockets are going to be flown at NSL this year? Click here!

    A. Individual Information

    * Required Fields

    Your Name*

    Your Email*



    Cert. Level*

    B. Rocket Information

    Rocket Name*

    Manufacturer: Scratch or Kit*



    Loaded Weight*

    Primary Construction Materials*


    Additional Onboard Electronics, (GPS, Cameras, Etc.)*

    Motor(s) Quantity Class & Designation(s)*

    Recovery System*

    Expected Altitude*

    First Flight?*


    Rail Buttons?*


    Photo of rocket

    Acceptable file types: pdf, jpg.
    Maximum file size: 2mb.

    Rocksim file of rocket
