Section Guidebook
This Guidebook is a resource for NAR members who want to start or run a NAR Section. For assistance with any matter pertaining to running a Section beyond what is covered here, contact the NAR Section Activities Committee Chairman at for more information.
This guide is structured in pages covering the following ten major topic areas. In some cases files are posted at the bottom of the page in the Related Document section with more detailed information about that topic. A complete pdf copy of this guide (minus the files at the bottom of each page) is posted here.
“Starting a New Section” covers what is required to establish and charter a NAR Section, and to find the local rocketeers to help you do this.
“Management” covers how to write Bylaws, run meetings, and manage a Section once it is established.
“Publicity” covers how to use media and online techniques to publicize your Section’s activities and draw in potential new members.
“Communications” covers communications about your Section’s activities to members and others using newsletters and websites.
“Launch Sites” covers how to find and keep a launch site.
“Launch Equipment” covers what kind of equipment a Section needs to operate a rocket range, and how to put it together.
“Running Launches” covers how to run a safe and efficient rocket launch with your Section.
“Section Activities” covers things to do with your Section in addition to your launches and regular meetings.
“Outreach” covers how to do programs that reach out to the community, especially young people, to teach them about rocketry and the NAR.
“Laws and Regulations” covers what you need to know about national and state laws and regulations in order to conduct your rocketry activities safely and legally.
In addition, if you need more information on the following areas, there are other applicable resources on the NAR website that you should check:
Launch Safety is covered in a whole section of the NAR website; this includes the NAR Safety Codes for Model Rocketry and High Power Rocketry.
Competition Rocketry, including how to run a contest, is covered in its own section the NAR website.
Education Programs and outreach programs for students are covered in another section of the NAR website.
NAR Insurance is covered in a set of “Frequently Asked Questions” on the NAR website.