Insurance Questions/Claims
Liability insurance coverage is provided to all NAR members and to chartered sections (as additional insured on the NAR policy) as part of your membership.
Policy Particulars
The commercial liability coverage is primary coverage for personal (non-business) rocketry activities and has the following limits, deductible and exclusions:
Limits of Liability
- Each Occurrence (incident)—$5,000,000
- General Aggregate Limit (to the NAR)—$6,000,000
Per Claim (member is responsible for $1,000 of the deductible, 1st claim; $5,000 for additional claims) $5,000 Per Claim
NAR insurance does not cover any activities which violate the NAR Model Rocket and High-Power Rocketry Safety Codes, or which involve business use of rockets. Please be sure to observe all safety code provisions always in your rocketry activities. NAR insurance also does not cover any activities which involve use of alcoholic beverages, criminal assaults and batteries, or sexual abuse.
Administrative Items
Coverage is effective on midnight of the date that your application is received at NAR headquarters. Coverage is effective in the United States and Canada.
NAR member and sections may schedule and fly launches at any time, and no notice needs to be given to your insurer. Member coverage always remains in effect, including at other organizations’ launches, as long as the member flies his flights in accordance with the NAR Safety Codes. NAR sections are covered for all sport rocket launch activities as defined in the NAR Safety Codes, and for their meeting activities.
Insurance Questions
Do you have questions about NAR insurance? The Insurance Questions document answers the most frequently-asked questions about NAR insurance.
Insurance Claim Form
If something does go wrong, it is important that you report your insurance claim immediately. Fill out the Insurance Claim Form as soon as possible. This form is sent to the NAR President and the NAR insurance provider.