From almost anywhere south of the San Bernardino Mountains, take I-15 or I-215 north. I-15 and I-215 merge to become just I-15; I-15 then goes over the 4000+ foot Cajon Pass, and into the Mojave Desert. Just before Victorville, take the Bear Valley Road exit and head east. There are signs for Lucerne Valley. This will go through Victorville, Hesperia, and Apple Valley before merging with CA route 18. Continue east on CA-18 until you reach Lucerne Valley and the junction with CA-247. Go north on CA-247 for a few miles as it crosses Lucerne Dry Lake.
If you are arriving from the North or East, Lucerne Dry Lake is about 30 miles south of Barstow on CA 247 (Barstow Road exit from I-15). CA-58 from Bakersfield is the best route inland from all points North-West. I-15 or I-40 are the major routes to Barstow from the North and East, respectively.
About the middle of the dry lake, you will see a group of vehicles way out on the lake on the west side. Turn West onto the dirt road marked by a “ROC” sign (from the Hwy 18/Hwy 247 junction to the turnoff is about 3.8 miles, near mile marker 49). Note that the dirt road is actually pretty good for nearly every type of vehicle except those really lowered sporty things. Drive out the dirt road and turn left at the sign. You will likely see flagline marking off the range. Please follow the road! When you get even with the range head there will be another marked turn to the right.
To check road conditions in real time: California Highway Conditions (Enter 247,18,15,58 for local highways)
CAUTION: The turn off of 247 is a bit North of the launch site. There appears to be a dirt road that heads straight for the site, but we recommend you use the turn off marked with a sign unless you have a very high-clearance vehicle and an adventurous spirit…