RCP# 2019-04
Name: Steve Foster
NAR#: 72814
Email: stevef63@windstream.net
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change: Disqualification of craftsmanship models that are missing significant components.
State Logic and Intent of Change: The spirit of craftsmanship entries is that the entries must fly as judged, however entries have been allowed to fly with significant changes for some flights (most always from a severely damaged first flight).
Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records: None
Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#): 51.11/52.10/55.5/56.4 replace with this rule Flight: An entry that does not make a safe, stable flight must be disqualified. Any flight including re-flights that are missing significant component(s) (i.e.; booster pods, fins, transitions, escape towers, payload sections, nose cones), must be disqualified. Any flight including re-fights may fly missing small surface details (i.e. non-functional lugs, antennas, landing pads/wheels, etc.), this will be scored as damage.
Also add rule 53.3.1: Flight: An entry that does not make a safe, stable flight must be disqualified. Scale altitude entries missing any items will receive an altitude score of 0 (zero).