RCP# 2019-03
Name: Chad Ring
NAR#: 50652
Email: ring@psci.net
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change: Remove the requirement that performance records must use only recording altimeters. All approved altimeters would now be able to set national records.
State the Logic of the Change: If an altimeter is approved for use in all competition, and is acceptable for use in all events, including NARAM, why is it not good enough for setting national records? Accuracy of even the most basic altimeters has come a long way since this rule was written.
Effect if any on Current Competition and NAR Records: None. If this RCP passes, more altimeter flights would be eligible for records.
Exact Wording for the Rule Revision as it should appear: Section # 14.5: Delete the line “Altimeter data file”. Section # 20.2.5: Delete entire section.
Section # 20.2.4: Add as final paragraph “If the altimeter data is, in the opinion of a contest official, significantly inconsistent with the observed flight, the altimeter data may be disallowed. In such cases, that flight can be considered “No Data” per Rule 20.3.3 – Untracked Flights.