
Launching Requirements

All NAR safety codes will be in effect at NARAM. Any rocket motor flown at NARAM must be certified and on the CAR/NAR/TRA Certified List. Any rocket motor used for competition flights must be contest approved. All rockets will pass a safety check before being allowed to launch. NARAM-64 has an M motor class limit. All flyers must have their NARAM-64 name badge to be able to pass though safety check and to enter the pad areas.


NARAM-64 will have FAA clearance to 12,000′ AGL. For flights predicted to be close to this ceiling, proof will be required via simulations that the rocket will not exceed the 12,000’ limit.

High Power Certification

Appropriate high power certification is required for all flyers using high power classified motors. Flyers will have the opportunity to certify both NAR and TRA L1/L2/L3.  NAR/TRA L2 test administration will be available; preference is to do this at the host hotel and not on the field if possible.

R/C Flying

Radio controlled rocket boosted glider flights originating from any launch range should leave the area directly over the range following the boost phase of flight so that other models may be launched.  R/C model flights that are not rocket powered are not permitted over any launch or spectator/prep areas, unless prior permission is granted to do so. All R/C flyers shall be familiar with and in compliance of all FAA UAV regulations including TRUST certificate and registration markings if required on aircraft.

Weather Delays and Emergencies

Severe weather is always a possibility during July. The Contest Director and/or Range Safety Officer may close the range for threatening weather. In the event of lightning storms or other severe weather, participants may be asked to leave the range area or flying field. The Contest Director will either cancel the remaining flying for the day or make a general announcement that flying is to resume and at what time. At the discretion of the Contest Director, flying may or may not be extended to make up for lost flying time. Please comply quickly with severe weather announcements. Participants should also remain aware of developing weather conditions and be ready to depart the field in the event of a severe weather announcement.

