RCP# 2019-08
Name: Mark B. Bundick
NAR #: 19250 LIFE
Email Address: mbundick@comcast.net
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change: I am proposing a change to Rule 13.1 National Rocketry Competition (NRC), Section 13.1.4 – NRC Events List to add Predicted and Set Duration.
State the Logic of the Change: The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC) has always had a target duration performance metric, and middle and high school teams have shown they are capable of building models, which will consistently achieve the target duration under a variety of atmospheric conditions. Incorporating this well-known competition metric into the NRC will broaden participation and, in contrast to other NRC events, will already be familiar to TARC participants. I chose to NOT include Random Duration because it is fundamentally different than the TARC experience, and competitors would be flying different random duration times all during the contest year. While that’s interesting and fun, Random Duration didn’t parallel the TARC duration metric.
Effect if any on Current Competition and NAR Records: There will be no significant impacts to manufacturers, contest management, records or range operations from this proposed change.
Exact Wording for the Rule Revision as it should appear: Add the following to the list in 13.1.4 NRC Events
Predicted Duration
Set Duration