Level 2 Test Questions — 26 Oct, 2022 Welcome to your Level 2 Test Questions A1) Which of the following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards provides a Code for High Power Rocketry? A) NFPA 1122 B) NFPA 1124 C) NFPA 1125 D) NFPA 1127 None A2) What part of the Federal Aviation Regulations govern rocket activity? A) Part 95 B) Part 97 C) Part 101 D) Part 125 None A3) What is the maximum launch (flight-ready) weight allowable for a rocket which does not require an FAA Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA)? A) 113 grams (4 ounces) B) 125 grams (4.4 ounces) C) 453 grams (1 pound) D) 1,500 grams (53 ounces or 3.3 pounds) None A4) What is the maximum propellant weight allowable for a rocket which does not require an FAA Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA)? A) 113 grams (4 ounces) B) 125 grams (4.4 ounces) C) 453 grams (1 pound) D) 1,500 grams (53 ounces or 3.3 pounds) None A5) Which of the following is a requirement for High Power Rocket Motor User Certification (excludes NAR Jr. HPR Participation Program)? A) The ability to understand written English instructions B) A minimum of 18 years of age C) A citizen of the United States of America D) No felony convictions None The only materials allowed in the building of your rocket’s nose, body, and fins are: A. Paper and Wood B. Plastic and Balsa C. Any lightweight, non-metallic material D. Penolic, aluminum, titanium None When is it permissible to use a fuse and a match to ignite a rocket motor? A. If an electrical controller is otherwise unavailable B. When the fuse is at least 12-inches in length C. Never D. If a NAR adult member is supervising None Per the NAR Safety Code, my launch site ____________ A. can be any flat location B. must be outdoors and have winds 20-miles per hour or less C. must be free of safety hazards, such as broken glass D. Both B and C None For “C” sized rocket motors, what is the closest you can be to the launch pad when launching the rocket? A. 6 feet B. 15 feet C. 30 feet D. The safety code only states a general “safe distance” None The NAR Safety Code allows for launching into clouds _________ A. as long as rockets are tracked and a landing spot can be determined by calculation B. under no circumstances C. because model rockets are built primary from lightweight, non-metallic parts and would disintegrate upon impacting an aircraft, thus presents no real threat D. because it is a pilot’s responsibility to be aware of hazards None Name Email NAR Number Time's up Share