How to Upload Results from an NRC Launch
After an NRC launch, the contest data gets recorded in 2 places. One is the NAR Scoreboard on the NAR website. The other is in the Contest Manager software application. Contest Manager (CM) can be downloaded here:
Record the results in Contest Manager first, as it will do all of the flight score calculations for you and also the temperature correction for altimeters. Once the data is entered in CM, save the contest results (saves to a “.nar” file). If you are using ContestManager 2.7.1 or later, a second file with a .json extension will be created automatically in the same location as the .nar file.
Now go to the NAR website and select “Contest Flying” -> “Competition Results Entry“. Find your contest in the list and click on it.
If you have a .json file, you can upload the results from that file directly into the form. Data will be validated, and any errors listed at the bottom of the page. Sponsoring section must still be selected manually.
If you don’t have a .json file, the data needs to be entered manually. On the Contestants tab, click “Add Contestant” and enter the NAR# for each contestant. Teams must be entered as Txxx where xxx is the team number that is registered for the current contest year (example: T043). Contestant and team numbers are validated against the NAR membership database and will automatically populate the division and section affiliation. Click the “+” tab to add each event that was flown. Then on each of those new event tabs, enter the flight data from the standings page in CM.
When all of the data looks good, click “Save”. Email the “.nar” file to your regional contest chair. Your regional chair will review the data and if it all looks good, approve it. If you have any questions, please reach out to your regional contest chair.