Walnut Grove NRC 091920
- — 19 Sep, 2020
NRC, and High-Power Sport Launch
September 19, 2020
Walnut Grove, MO
Launch will be a combined effort (High Power, and NRC contest) of St Louis Rocketry Association (St. Louis) and Tripoli MO-KAN (Walnut Grove MO). Tripoli rules will apply at this launch. The event will be held on the site of NARAM 58 in Walnut Grove MO, July 18-19, 2020. Site location is at – 37.4486N, 93.61565W.
John Buckley will host a model rocket competition range sanctioned under NRC rules.
Gary Cole will host the Sport Range. On the sport range rockets up to and including M impulse class may be flown. The maximum permitted altitude will be 12,500 feet AGL. Rockets projected to go over 8,000 ft, require a simulation prior to flight. Also, if you plan to conduct a Level II certification flight or have any questions regarding the sport range operation, please contact Gary Cole at shellknobrocket@gmail.com. Gary Cole is Range Safety Officer over all aspects of the launch including contest. Currently there is no local attendance limit in effect. However, we will follow current local and state health department guidelines as follows.
General Guidelines for Missourians
• Citizens who feel sick should stay home!
• Continue to practice good hygiene, including:
o Washing hands with soap and water, or using hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces;
o Avoiding touching your face;
o Sneezing or coughing into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow; and
o Disinfecting frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible.
• Avoid socializing in groups that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing. When in public (parks, outdoor recreation spaces, shopping malls, etc.), individuals should maximize physical distance from others.
Accordingly, we will do the following:
(1) Have hand sanitizer at several locations at the field
(2) Will not provide pens or pencils for common use to fill out flight cards – please bring your own
(3) Will not permit congregating at the LCO table or other areas on the flight range and LCO activities will be conducted in shifts, permitting sanitizing the launch controllers, PA system, etc.
(4) Will not operate model rocket racks due to lack of proper distance – rather, we will have discrete pads for the model rocket flights
(5) Encourage everyone to be mindful of maintaining appropriate safe distances
We recommend checking in advance the status of the launch before attending.
Range hours will be approximately 12 PM to 6PM Saturday and 10AM – 4PM Sunday. These hours are approximate subject to weather conditions and range safety officer’s discretion. Contest hours may be extended or shortened at the Contest director’s discretion (John Buckley).
We will host a model rocket competition sanctioned under NRC rules. We will not provide payloads or altimeters. NO returns are required for this event except as required by the sporting code for altitude events.
Flight cards and contest paperwork will be available. NRC flight data will be submitted by the CD No returns required; actual durations will be used for the virtual scores. Contest hours will be 12PM (setup time) to 6PM Saturday. Contest flights will begin sometime after that. These are approximate and subject to weather conditions and the contest director’s (John Buckley, jbuckley1996@gmail.com ) discretion. Sport range hours may differ slightly.
For flying of drones and radio control aircraft anyone operating a drone must be a member in good standing with the AMA (they will need to show us their card). Anyone flying off the sport or contest range must be either a NAR or TRA member. Nonmember guests will need to have a TRA member take responsibility for their flights. In the event of launch cancellation, The event will move to the scheduled NRC event held in Buder Park. Check Tripoli MO KAN for launch status.
- 5612 S. 10th Rd.
Walnut Grove
MO, 65770
Sponsor Info:
Type: Other Club
Event Director: John buckley
Event Email: jbuckley1996@gmail.com
Event Phone: 636-734-0762
Competition Info:
NRC Events: All NRC Events
Non-NRC Events: No Events Specified
Longitude Latitude: 37.448600, -93.615650
LatLong Site Name:
Recurrence Exceptions: