List of Changes
Summary of Changes Since 2008 Edition
Applied Changes from 2008-2009 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2007-801 Total Impulse For Contest Events
Affected Rule 9.1 - RCP 2007-802 Boost Glide and Flex Wing Duration, Only Return Glider
Affected Rules 36.1, 38.1 - RCP 2007-803 Self Penalizing Clarification for Open Spot Landing
Affected Rules 60.3, 60.7.1, 60.7.2, 60.7.3 - RCP 2008-804 Removed Requirement for Returning Judging Sheets to Modeler
Affected Rules 50.11, 53.15. Deleted Rules 51.4.1, 52.9, 54.8, 55.8, 63.13 - RCP 2008-805 Recovery Requirement for Payload Event
Affected Rule 25.4 - RCP 2008-806 Remove Option to Have Motor(s) Checked Post-Flight
Affected Rule 9.5 - RCP 2008-807 Clarify Official Flight Requirements
Affected Rule 10.3 - RCP 2008-808 Change the Name “Science Fiction and Future Sport Scale” to “Concept Sport Scale”
Affected Rule 56.1, Appendixes - Contest Board changed Rule 32.2 to correct conflict with Rule 11.9 (Helicopter Duration Flipping)
Applied Urgent Change
- RCP 2006-202U Delete Requirement for Enclosed Recovery System
Affected rule: 21.3
Applied Urgent Change
- RCP 2009-910 Maximum Launcher Height
New rule: 5.5
Added Provisional Events
- P24 Super-Roc XL Altitude Competition
- P25 Pee-Wee Payload Competition
- P40 Payload Duration Competition
- P41 Super-Roc XL Duration Competition
- P57 Classic Model Competition
Applied Changes to Rulemaking Procedures
- Revisions to Appendix F approved by Board of Trustees on March 12, 2010
Applied Changes from 2009-2010 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2009-903 Clarify Wording of Concept Sport Scale
Affected Rule 56.1 - RCP 2009-904 Clarify Wording of Other Scale Events
Affected Rules 50.1, 50.3, 51.1, 52.2, 53.1, 53.4, 54.1 - RCP 2009-906 Altimeter Records
Affected Rules 14.10.4, 17.7, 17.8, 17.9
Applied changes from 2010-2011 RCP cycle:
- RCP 11-0404: Increase maximum propellant mass to 125g
Affected Rules 4.3, 9.1 - RCP 11-0505: Define correctable condition as pertaining to an entry
Affected Rule 11.8, Appendix A - RCP 11-0808: Eliminate loophole in super-roc measurement
Affected Rules 21.5, 33.4 - Updated Appendix G: Approved Altimeter List
Applied changes from 2011-2012 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2011-0505: Make craftsmanship damage cumulative
Affected Rules: 50.15, 51.5, 52.8, 53.15, 54.8, 55.8, 56.8, P57.9 - RCP 2011-0606: Remove the ability to skip places in R&D
Affected Rule: 63.12 - RCP 2011-1212: Include motor and altimeter data in records
Affected Rule: 17.10 - RCP 2011-2222: Clarify altimeter language
Affected Rule: 14.10 - RCP 2011-2323: Add rules for altimeter placement
Affected Rule: 14.10 - RCP 2011-2424: Include full text of regular RCP on ballot
Affected Rule: F.10 - RCP 2011-3030: Display altitude in meters for Super Roc Altitude results
Affected Rule: 21.5 - RCP 2011-3131: Display duration in seconds for Super Roc Duration results
Affected Rule: 33.4 - RCP 2011-3434: Eliminate mission points from Classic Model flight scoring
Affected Rule: P57.7
Applied changes from 2012-2013 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2013M-01: Allow each event at a contest to use a different tracking method
Affected Rule: 14.10 - RCP 2013M-06: Allow additional model to be entered for multiround flyoff
Affected Rule 15.12.2
Applied change from 2013-2014 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2013N-06: Expand the scope of R&D
Affected Rule 63.1
Applied Contest Board approved changes:
- Move Classic Model from provisional to full event status
Affected Rule 57, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D - Move Precision Payload from provisional to full event status
Affected Rules 17.2, 28, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D
Applied Urgent Change:
- Allow installation of altimeter immediately on startup, if stated in the manual.
Affected Rule 14.10.1
Applied Board of Trustee approved changes:
- Require R&D reports to be submitted electronically
Affected Rule 63.5.5 - Add new event Mentorship
Affected Rule 64, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D
Applied changes from 2014-2015 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2014-03: Increase protest fee to $20
Affected Rule 12.1 - RCP 2014-13: Mandatory posting of contests in Launch Windows
Affected Rule 6.8
Applied Board of Trustee approved changes:
- Revise and clarify wording on Mentorship and supporting rules
Affected Rules: 8.4, 13.5, 64
Applied Urgent changes:
- Clarify scoring on Mentorship
Affected Rule 64.6 - Change RCP submission deadline to September 1
Affected Rule F.11 - Update wording on altimeters to align with FAI changes
Affected Rules 14.10, 14.10.1, 14.10.3 - Remove requirement for 3 copies of R&D reports
Affected Rule 63.5.5
Applied changes from 2015-2016 RCP cycle:
- RCP 2015-05: Remove impound rule for reloadable motors.
Affected Rule 4.2 - RCP 2015-12: Remove FAI A boost glider, add FAI A rocket glider
Affected Rules: 36.3, 37.3, 9.13