RCP# 2018-03
From: Chad Ring, NAR# 50652
Email: ring@psci.net
Type of Proposal: Regular
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change: Sync up provided timers with current NARAM practice.
State Logic and Intent of Change: State that one timer is provided at NARAM and addition may be from either meet or individual.
Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records: None
Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):
30.1 Timers
In all events for which a time-of-flight value must be scored, one or more timers with stopwatches shall be stationed in a timing area(s) adjacent to the range head and shall not leave the designated timing area(s) in order to keep the entry in sight. NARAM will provide one timer for each contest flight. Additional timers may be provided by the meet or the contestant. Timer(s) may not use optical aids other than sunglasses and/or eyeglasses to correct to normal vision.