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February, 2025

Waterfall Site
8:00 AM
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We will be piggy-backing off of FLARE‘s monthly launch making it a contest launch added to a sport launch. Eggs will be provided. Payloads and altimeters will be the responsibility of the contestants. There are no facilities at this site.
Little Econ Trail Entrance Long: 28.6870361, Lat:-81.1596203
8:00 AM
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ROCK’s monthly launch is held on the first Saturday of the month at the Barr Street Entrance of the Little Econ Trail in Oviedo, Florida. Please visit our web site to verify launch dates and times.
Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area. Entrance at Azusa Canyon Rd and Arrow Highway in Irwindale CA
8:00 AM
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Model Rocket launches run by SCRA as a Core Program Partner of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks & Recreation. SCRA conducts controlled & supervised launches for the general public at the Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area in Irwindale on the dates listed below. YOU CAN ONLY LAUNCH IN THE PARK AS PART OF A CONTROLLED & SUPERVISED LAUNCH!! Normal SCRA safety-check and launching procedures will be followed. You must be familiar with the procedures & have your flight cards filled out properly. For a copy of the launch procedure & flight cards call SCRA or visit our website. Field will accommodate up to a single G motor. All motors must be Classified as "Model Rocket Motors" by the CA Office of the State Fire Marshal. VEHICLE FEE (pay at park entrance): $12 per passenger car. $5 Senior citizen (65+). LAUNCH FEE (pay at safety check-in table): $4 per flyer per day. DATES: SATURDAYS: Jan. 18, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, July 12, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6. SUNDAYS: Jan. 5, Feb. 9, Mar. 23, June 15 & 29, July 20, Aug 24, Sep. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 14. DIRECTIONS: The park is located southeast of where the 605 & 210 Freeways meet. Enter park on Azusa Canyon Rd (on Arrow Hwy, just west of Irwindale Ave); pay the park vehicle fee ($12) and then turn left at the main park roadway and proceed all the way to parking lots 5 or 6. Launch area will be roped off just south of parking lots (towards the dam) in “overflow” area.
WOOSH Launch Site - Johnson Creek 43.092262, -88.767573
10:00 AM
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WOOSH Monthly NRC and Sport Launch at Johnson Creek, WI NRC and Sport rockets may be flown. NRC contestants must provide own contest supplies such as Eggs, Altimeters, and Payloads. Check for details and location. All launches weather dependent check website and group emails for updates Sponsor: WOOSH #558 Website: Event Director: John Cieslak Event Email: Event Phone: 608-772-4594 Competition Info: NRC Events: All NRC Events Non-NRC Events: No Events Specified
VAST - Jack Mountain Village
11:00 AM
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VAST will be holding a Sport Rocket Launch at the Jack Mountain Village site off of Route 220, 3 miles south of Monterey, Virginia. Range will be open from 11:00am to 4:00pm but is subject to change depending upon the weather and participation. Most flights take place between noon and 3:00pm and typically more flights take place during a Sport Launch than a Research Launch. All are invited to attend, watch and/or participate. Please contact for more information.
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NAR Board Meetings and NAR Conference Call Meetings are held via Zoom, all NAR members are invited to attend the public meetings.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area. Entrance at Azusa Canyon Rd and Arrow Highway in Irwindale CA
8:00 AM
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Model Rocket launches run by SCRA as a Core Program Partner of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks & Recreation. SCRA conducts controlled & supervised launches for the general public at the Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area in Irwindale on the dates listed below. YOU CAN ONLY LAUNCH IN THE PARK AS PART OF A CONTROLLED & SUPERVISED LAUNCH!! Normal SCRA safety-check and launching procedures will be followed. You must be familiar with the procedures & have your flight cards filled out properly. For a copy of the launch procedure & flight cards call SCRA or visit our website. Field will accommodate up to a single G motor. All motors must be Classified as "Model Rocket Motors" by the CA Office of the State Fire Marshal. VEHICLE FEE (pay at park entrance): $12 per passenger car. $5 Senior citizen (65+). LAUNCH FEE (pay at safety check-in table): $4 per flyer per day. DATES: SATURDAYS: Jan. 18, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, July 12, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6. SUNDAYS: Jan. 5, Feb. 9, Mar. 23, June 15 & 29, July 20, Aug 24, Sep. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 14. DIRECTIONS: The park is located southeast of where the 605 & 210 Freeways meet. Enter park on Azusa Canyon Rd (on Arrow Hwy, just west of Irwindale Ave); pay the park vehicle fee ($12) and then turn left at the main park roadway and proceed all the way to parking lots 5 or 6. Launch area will be roped off just south of parking lots (towards the dam) in “overflow” area.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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CCARC monthly launch. Eggs will be provided. Payloads and altimeters will be the responsibility of the contestants.
Fiesta Island, San Diego, CA
8:00 AM
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DART Sport and NRC launch
CRMRC - Macquam Shore Road GPS: 44.825278, -73.171727
8:00 AM
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Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC) monthly low, medium, and high power launch up to 10K, M motor. Launch equipment: rods – 1/8"x3‘, 3/16?x4‘, 1/4"x6‘, 7/16"x6‘, rails – standard 1010 x 8‘, extreme 1515 x 8.5‘, and if requested in advance extreme 1515 x 12‘ and Unistrut x 12‘. Sponsor: Champlain Region Model Rocket Club NAR #643 Website: Event Director: Howard Druckerman Event Email: Event Phone: 802-355-7818 Competition Info: NRC Events: No Events Specified Non-NRC Events: No Events Specified
Eggemeyer Field, GPS coordinates: 31.330726, -100.297704
8:30 AM
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Sport launch open to all at Eggemeyer Field, 3 miles south of Wall, TX. We support launch of low power, mid-power, and high power rockets up to L motors. We provide launch pads with 1/8", 3/16”, and 1/4" rods and 1010 rails. Have FAA waiver up to 10,000 ft AGL. We now have a portable toilet on site. Always bring water & wear sunscreen. Launch Fees: – Low power up to G motors: Free – High power – Under 18: Free – Students 18 and over and WTSV members: $5 – All others: $10 See less See less See less
32° 55’ 32” N, -106° 00’ 19” W
9:00 AM
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Alamogordo Amateur Rocketry Society #917
Great Meadow Events Center
10:00 AM
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Website: Hosted by: Northern Virginia Association of Rocketry (NOVAAR). Questions? Email NOVAAR flies model rockets and high-power rockets. Rockets with a motor impulse greater than J are not allowed. The FAA permitted maximum altitude waiver is 4,500 feet. If you are not a NOVAAR member, each model rocket launch costs $1, HPR launches are $5 and HPR Cert attempts are $10. Check-in collects the launch fee. In the event of inclement weather, the decision to cancel or postpone the launch will be posted on our website no later than 8pm the day before the launch.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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CCARC monthly launch. Eggs will be provided. Payloads and altimeters will be the responsibility of the contestants.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
Dyer Park GPS: 26.7831861, -80.12
8:00 AM
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FSA conducts monthly NAR-sanctioned launches at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach. Launches take place on the last Saturday of the month, except for November & December when the launches are moved to the Saturday before Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is no park entry fee. Sponsor Info: Type: NAR Section Sponsor: FSA #481 Website: Event Director: RICHARD BOYETTE Event Email: Event Phone: 561-351-3990 Competition Info: NRC Events: No Events Specified Non-NRC Events: No Events Specified
Stealey Memorial Launch Site@Hudson Ranch Hwy. 78, Pueblo, CO 38.155458, -104.808906
8:00 AM
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Type: NAR Section Sponsor: SCORE #632 Website: Event Director: Southern Colorado Rocketeers Event Email: Event Phone: 719-231-9384 Competition Info: NRC Events: No Events Specified Non-NRC Events: No Events Specified
11:00 AM
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Research and Development Presentations, Town Hall meeting, Manufacturers Forum, followed by a online social gathering.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
Located directly across the road from the Ft. Christmas Historical Park.
10:00 AM
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Monthly launch-open to the public.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
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narTcert virtual is a hands on multiple day training for formal and informal educators. This training is perfect for new educators as well as seasoned. Don‘t miss this once a year virtual session.
TIMPA Flying Field
7:00 PM
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An FAI-Sanctioned World Cup Spacemodeling Competition February 28 - March 2, 2025 Tucson, AZ, USA Sanctioned by: Federation Aeronautique Internationale, a World Cup event Organizer: Matt Steele, Contest Director, 63 E 11400 S #203, Sandy, UT 84070 (661) 609-6661 World Cup Events: S4A, S6A, S7, S8P, S9A Open International Event: S2/P Contest Rules: An FAI license (from any NAC) is required to fly the World Cup. NAR/CAR members may participate as unofficial contestants. Entry Fee: $50; Registration for the contest is via PayPal at or on the field. Fee includes motors for S4A, S6A, S9A, and reloads for S8P. Motors for S2P and S7 are the contestant’s responsibility. Flying Site: SARA Launch Site ( 3250 N Reservation Rd, Marana, AZ 85653 Located at the Tucson International Modelplex Park Association (TIMPA), we will be using Model Airplane complex this year (the Contest Range site from NARAM-57)! This features a paved area to fly from, covered work areas, and flush toilets! It is just south of the site where the previous meets have been held. Contestants should bring ample drinking water. There is a gas station full of snacks and drinks, including a Subway Restaurant, 13 minutes northeast of the launch site at the corner of Sandario Rd and Picture Rocks Rd. We plan to have someone pick up Subway sandwiches for lunch on Friday and Saturday. Hotel: Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Tucson/Marana 8370 North Cracker Barrel Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85743 520-333-6712 Saturday Night Awards Dinner Saturday, March 1, 6:30 PM Lil Abner’s Steakhouse 8501 N Silverbell Rd Tucson, AZ 85743 Meal cost not included in registration fees. FAI Jury: Jury President: Taras Tataryn (CAN) Jury: Dr. Steve Kristal (USA) Jury: Dr. Mike Nowak (USA) Jury Alternate: Chris Flanigan (USA) Jury Alternate: Dr
3250 N Reservation Rd, Marana, AZ 85653
8:00 AM
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Arizona Cup-2025. An FAI-Sanctioned World Cup Spacemodeling Competition
TIMPA Flying Field
7:00 PM
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An FAI-Sanctioned World Cup Spacemodeling Competition February 28 - March 2, 2025 Tucson, AZ, USA Sanctioned by: Federation Aeronautique Internationale, a World Cup event Organizer: Matt Steele, Contest Director, 63 E 11400 S #203, Sandy, UT 84070 (661) 609-6661 World Cup Events: S4A, S6A, S7, S8P, S9A Open International Event: S2/P Contest Rules: An FAI license (from any NAC) is required to fly the World Cup. NAR/CAR members may participate as unofficial contestants. Entry Fee: $50; Registration for the contest is via PayPal at or on the field. Fee includes motors for S4A, S6A, S9A, and reloads for S8P. Motors for S2P and S7 are the contestant’s responsibility. Flying Site: SARA Launch Site ( 3250 N Reservation Rd, Marana, AZ 85653 Located at the Tucson International Modelplex Park Association (TIMPA), we will be using Model Airplane complex this year (the Contest Range site from NARAM-57)! This features a paved area to fly from, covered work areas, and flush toilets! It is just south of the site where the previous meets have been held. Contestants should bring ample drinking water. There is a gas station full of snacks and drinks, including a Subway Restaurant, 13 minutes northeast of the launch site at the corner of Sandario Rd and Picture Rocks Rd. We plan to have someone pick up Subway sandwiches for lunch on Friday and Saturday. Hotel: Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Tucson/Marana 8370 North Cracker Barrel Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85743 520-333-6712 Saturday Night Awards Dinner Saturday, March 1, 6:30 PM Lil Abner’s Steakhouse 8501 N Silverbell Rd Tucson, AZ 85743 Meal cost not included in registration fees. FAI Jury: Jury President: Taras Tataryn (CAN) Jury: Dr. Steve Kristal (USA) Jury: Dr. Mike Nowak (USA) Jury Alternate: Chris Flanigan (USA) Jury Alternate: Dr

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The National Association of Rocketry can get you connected to the cutting edge of the hobby so you can learn how to fly higher, faster, and better. As an NAR member you will receive:

  • Access to launch sites through local NAR clubs
  • High Power Rocketry Certification access
  • An exclusive members only forum.
  • Sport Rocketry magazine
  • Insurance coverage for your flights
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