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So. Cal. Model Rocket Launch
Sport Launch (of any type)
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
Model Rocket launches run by SCRA as a Core Program Partner of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks & Recreation. SCRA conducts controlled & supervised launches for the general public at the Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area in Irwindale on the dates listed below. YOU CAN ONLY LAUNCH IN THE PARK AS PART OF A CONTROLLED & SUPERVISED LAUNCH!! Normal SCRA safety-check and launching procedures will be followed. You must be familiar with the procedures & have your flight cards filled out properly. For a copy of the launch procedure & flight cards call SCRA or visit our website.
Field will accommodate up to a single G motor.
All motors must be Classified as "Model Rocket Motors" by the CA Office of the State Fire Marshal.
VEHICLE FEE (pay at park entrance): $12 per passenger car. $5 Senior citizen (65+).
LAUNCH FEE (pay at safety check-in table): $4 per flyer per day.
SATURDAYS: Jan. 18, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, July 12, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6.
SUNDAYS: Jan. 5, Feb. 9, Mar. 23, J