Engine Testing Notices


R101 New Motor Certifications 16 May 2006

The following model motors have been certified by NAR Standards & Testing for general use effective May 16, 2006. Contest certification of these motors will be announced in 60 days when it has been determined that the product availability requirements have been met.

    Roadrunner Rocketry:
        29mm x 140mm:
           G80R - 4,7,10   (108 Newton-seconds total impulse, propellant mass:54.7 grams)

        29mm x 112mm:
           F60R-4,7,10  (77 Newton-seconds total impulse, propellant mass: 38.1 grams)

        29mm x 140mm:
           F35-6,10  (78 Newton-seconds total impulse, propellant mass: 40.1 grams)

    Propellant Key:
    R = Rapid

John Lyndgal,
Secretary for NAR Standards & Testing

Jack Kane,

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